Foursquare App Update Feels Like Yelp But Better

I have been playing around with Foursquare for about two weeks now to see if it was worth using.  I know its an older app that many people use but I wasn’t sure if it was worth extra clicks on my iPhone just to use it.  During the two weeks I have been using the app Foursquare did some updates.  Unlike most apps, where the updates are bug fixes and so on, Foursquare really added a lot more to the visual aspect of the app.  Now when I check in or update the places I have been the app just feels more user friendly.  The visual aspect of the app has really improved!  These updates make me give the app a 4 out of 5 stars.  I would even go as far to give it a 5 out of 5 if they were able to integrate the “tip” part of the app better and make it more a check-in / review app.  If this was achieved then I could get ride of Yelp and just use Foursquare, however this dream seems long in the future.

Check out the video below.

If you haven’t downloaded Foursquare yet do so HERE

Instaplace App Review

Instaplace is available in the app store for 99 cents. Instaplace uses the iPhone’s built in GPS to create unique pictures to share with your friends and family.


When you open Instaplace you are given the option to pick your location. A group of places will pop up that are within a mile or so of you. The locations are powered by Four Square. So if by chance the location isn’t listed with Four Square then it won’t be in the location list.


After selecting your location it’s as easy as taking a picture and choosing a filter for the photo. Below are a few examples of the filters provided.



After selecting a filter you just need to select how you want to share the photo. You have six options to choose from.


The pros of Instaplace is that it a clean and easy to use photo app. It’s not hard to pick up and has just the amount of features you need. The filters they provide with the app are pretty well thought out and cover about every event you might think of

If the app has a downside it’s probably found in the selection of places. In some cases the locations are very general and don’t really capture the event your trying to share.

For a photo app I would give it a 3.5 of 5 and would recommend you download it.

Link: Instaplace