Nike Fuelband Review

In a previous post we looked at the Nike Fuelband app.  Today we will be looking at the Fuelband itself.  Below is a video rundown of all its features and what we think of it.

Pros: Allows you to view information on the band, comfortable fit

Cons: The band, if up under pressure, tends to pop open.

Jawbone ‘UP’ App Review

In a preivous post we looked at the Jawbone ‘UP’ fitness band.  Today we look at the Jawbone ‘UP’ App.  Below is the rundown of the app.

Pros: Tracks ever kind of information you would want to keep track of your fitness (i.e. activity, calories, sleep, etc)

Cons:  Takes time to learn all the features

Redbox Instant By Verizon

At the beginning of January Redbox released a streaming video service much like that of Netflix or Hulu.    The only real difference is, for the same price as the other services, Redbox throws in 4 credits per month that can be used at anytime at a Redbox to rent a movie.  Watch the review below for the full breakdown.

Pros: Easy to navigate app with great video quality

Cons: Only a handful of newer movies available